Sl. No. | Journal Name | ISSN | Publisher |
1. | Advances in Condensed Matter Physics | 1687-8108 (Print) & 1687-8124 (Online) | Hindawi |
2. | Advanced Quantum Technologies | 2511-9044 (Online) | Wiley-VCH |
3. | Advanced Theory and Simulations | 2513-0390 (print) 2513-0390 (online) | Wiley-VCH |
4. | Canadian Journal of Physics | 1208-6045 (print) 0008-4204 (web) | NRC Research Press (Canada) |
5. | Chemical Physics | 0301-0104 | Elsevier |
6. | Chemical Physics Letters | 0009-2614 | Elsevier |
7. | Chinese Journal of Physics | 0577-9073 | Elsevier |
8. | Computational Condensed Matter | 2352-2143 | Elsevier |
9. | Current Applied Physics | 1567-1739 | Elsevier |
10. | European Physical Journal B | 1434-6021 (print) & 1434-6036 (online) | Springer |
11. | European Physical Journal D | 1434-6060 (Print) 1434-6079 (Online) | Springer |
12. | European Physical Journal Plus | 2190-5444 | Springer |
13. | Indian Journal of Physics | 0973-1458 (print) & 0974-9845 (online) | Springer |
14. | Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics | 0019-5596 (print) & 0975-1041 (online) | CSIR-NISCAIR |
15. | International Journal of Modern Physics B | 0217-9792 (print) & 1793-6578 (online) | World Scientific |
16. | International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology | 1735-7004 (print) & 2423-5911 (online) | Iranian Nano Society |
17. | Journal of Computational Electronics | 1569-8025 (print) & 1572-8137 (online) | Springer |
18. | Journal of Interfaces, Thin Films & Low-dimensional systems | 2645-4173 (Print) 2645-4181 (Online) | Alzahra University, Iran. |
19. | Journal of Low Temperature Physics | 0022-2291 (Print) 1573-7357 (Online) | Springer |
20. | Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials | 0304-8853 | Elsevier |
21. | Journal of Molecular Structure | 0022-2860 | Elsevier |
22. | Journal of Physics & Chemistry of Solids | 0022-3697 | Elsevier |
23. | Laser Physics | 1054-660X (Print) 1555-6611 (Online) | Institute of Physics (IOP), UK |
24. | Optical Materials | 0925-3467 | Elsevier |
25. | Optical and Quantum Electronics | 0306-8919 (Print) 1572-817X (Online) | Springer |
26. | Optics Communications | 0030-4018 | Elsevier |
27. | Optics & Laser Technology | 0030-3992 | Elsevier |
28. | Optik | 0030-4026 | Elsevier |
29. | Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communication | 1842-6573 | INOE Publishing House, Romania. |
30. | Philosophical Magazine | 1478-6435 (Print) 1478-6443 (Online) | Taylor & Francis |
31. | Physica B | 0921-4526 | Elsevier |
32. | Physica E | 1386-9477 | Elsevier |
33. | Physica Scripta | 0031-8949 (Print) 1402-4896 (Online) | Institute of Physics (IOP), UK |
34. | Physica Status Solidi B | 1521-3951 | Wiley-VCH |
35. | Physical Science International Journal | 2348-0130 | SCIENCEDOMAIN International |
36. | Physics Letters A | 0375-9601 (Print) 1873-2429 (Online) | Elsevier |
37. | RSC Advances | 2046-2069 | Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) |
38. | Solid State Sciences | 1293-2558 | Elsevier |
39. | Superlattices and Microstructures | 0749-6036 | Elsevier |