Research Group

Research Interests:

Title: Ion- Solvent Interaction in various binary aquo-organic , aqua-ionic, aqua-nonionic and mixed non aqueous Solvent Mixtures.

Different protic, quasi-aprotic and dipolar aprotic solvent mixtures are used to evaluate the transfer energetics of smaller as well as larger cations and anions to get idea about the physico-chemical behavior of the same and structuredness of water  in terms of different short/ long range as well as chemical interactions.

Title: Solvation thermodynamics of amino acids, RNA/DNA bases and other biomolcules.

Titrimetric and spectroscopic techniques are used to determine saturated solubilities of different small and big molecules of biochemical interest in aqua-organic and non-aqueous mixed binary solvent mixtures and transfer energetics are evaluated for the same to get idea about its structural and functional aspects in biological systems.

Group Members:

Previous Current
  • Dr. Sanjay Roy; Assistant Professor of Chemistry; Dinabandhu Institution (a college), Howrah, W. B.

Joined as research scholar in 2008; PhD Degree awarded in 2014.

  • Dr. Samiran Mondal; Rajib Gandhi Research Fellow (JRF) from April 2014.  He is awarded with Ph. D in 2019.
  • Dr. Kalachand Mahali; Assistant Professor of Chemistry; Kalyani University, Nadia; W.B.

Joined as research scholar in 2008; PhD Degree awarded in 2014.

  • Ms. Srabani Ghosh; Joined as Research Scholar from  2015. She has submitted her thesis.
  • Mr. Soumen Saha; Joined as Research Scholar from  November, 2016.
  • Md. Golam Hossain; Joined as Research Scholar from  2019.
  • Mis. Sumana Mete, 2020
  • Mis. Dushila Subba, 2020
  • Mr. Debojyoti Halder, 2020